
Wesley W. Gosa, being first duly sworn, deposes and says:

My name is W. W. Gosa; I am seventy-five years of age and reside at Guin, Ala.    I have known the Sizemores in this neighborhood all my life.   These are Daniel Sizemore and his brothers and sisters and their families.    They were born and raised in what was then known Marion Co., but which is now Lamar Co.    All my life I have heard that the Sizemores were related to the Indians, but I have never until today heard to what tribe of Indians they belonged.    My father and mother told me that the Sizemores were Indians.    My father and mother, who were very old when they died about ten years ago, told me that the Sizemores came from the same State and County that she did, that is, Franklin Co., Tenn.    I never heard my mother say about the Sizemore family in North Carolina, but only the branch in Tenn.    I have no interest in the Sizemore claim.    For truth and veracity no one stands higher than Daniel and W. W. Sizemore and the Sizemore family which they represent.    I don't know that I ever saw any Indians in this county. I can recollect seeing Indians passing through here along about 1835 when I was a small boy. These Indians were under escort of Army officers.

Test:  M. L. Daley               (Signed) Wesley X W. Gosa
his mark    

Subscribed amd sworn to before me at Winfield, Ala., this 1st day of July, 1908

Assistant to Special
Commissioner of the 
Court of Claims     

[Transcribed from the microfilmed records at NARA by Betty Thomas Finger for the website,
Sizemore Family Cherokee Indian Records

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