No. 43904

Robert E. Ward being duly sworn, deposes and says:

My name is Robert E. Ward ; my post office is Lexington, R.F.D., Okla.; I am guardian for and make application on behalf of my four children; They claim Cherokee Indian blood through their mother, whose maiden name was Ella Sizemore; Ella Sizemore was born in Alabama and what is now known as Fayette Co. about the year 1869; she claimed through her father, Joel H. Sizemore; Joel H. Sizemore was born in Alabama in what was then known as Marion Co.; Joel Sizemore claimed through Daniel Sizemore; Old Old Daniel Sizemore; was born in middle Tennessee;    I donot know of any enrollment of the Sizemores or of their ever having received any money or land from the government;
The mother of my children is dead.

  Robert E. Ward (signed)

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of August, 1908, at Norman Okla.

          Stanley A. Rouk           
Assistant to Special Commissioner
of Court of Claims         

[Transcribed from the microfilmed records at NARA by Betty Thomas Finger for the website,
Sizemore Family Cherokee Indian Records

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